
Hello and welcome to Club Penguin Guy with me, Daprankstar! Here you can find all the help, cheats, glitches, hints, secrets and answers to help you have an even AWESOMER time in probably the best online game ever, CLUB PENGUIN! I hope you enjoy this regularly updated blog and all the AWESOMENESS that comes with it! Enjoy and Enter!

Yours Waddling

Friday 30 January 2009

New Snow and Sports Catalog!

Yay! I love it when a new catalog comes out! Here it is:

Click the climbing wall picture to get the equipment!Lol! I've already bought everything!

You can still get the silver surfboard

Yours Waddling



  1. I not a member so i can't buy any of that stuff but I did buy the new backgroud it is kind of cool.


  2. I like the way you look with the goalie pads! they are so cool.


  3. Thanks yea, I thought I already had the background before...
    Thanks for the reason why that pin was "girly", that was a good one, but I still stick to my own thoughts about it as some males do enjoy flowers as much as females.

    Your Waddling Buddy

  4. OK! Hey I thought of some more ways for you to get your site known and for you to become famous. Okay are you ready?

    1.) Become friends with people. People like Leggofmyeggo, Confupenguen, and Racerxboi. All of these people have good blogs and are quite famous and willing to be friendly.

    2.) Get on people's blogrolls.
    If you are on people's blogrolls people seeing their sites will come to yours. (You may have to add people to your blogroll to get on theirs)

    3.) Just be there and be awesome! Once people come to your site you need to keep them coming back. So make this site interesting and fun! Don't make it seem like all of the other boring CP cheats sites. (Trust me there are a lot of them!)

    I hope that you will someday become a very famous penguin and that your site will do well.


  5. How does the Brogroll work?
    Thanks fo the help!

    Your Waddling Buddy

  6. A blogroll is a list of blogs. (Websites that people update, just like yours!) A blogroll is what a person usually puts on the sidebar of their site. It is a list of the sites that the site owner thinks are cool/usefull. Many people have a simple policy that they will add you to their blogroll if you add them to yours. I am not sure how to make one but it can't be too hard. Oh I almost forgot that all of the sites listed are also linked directly to the webpage. Blogrolls are just ways for people to find new and interesting sites related to what they are interested in. I think that this would be a good way for you to become famous.


  7. I found it, thanks! I hope this works, as for the page, I was thinking of starting competitions.

    Your Waddling Buddy

  8. Did you start a blogroll? If not, are you going to? What kind of prizes were you thinking of for your competitions. BTW you may want to wait a little while before having a competition. You know make sure you have a lot of viewers so that there isn't only like three entries. Ok those were just a few questions and tips. GOOD LUCK!!!


  9. Oh I just thought of something. You already have something kind of like a blogroll your "Cool Websites!!!" links at the bottom of the page is very much like a blogroll. Except that a blogroll has a list of other people's blogs not normal websites. GOOD LUCK!!!


  10. OK I just saw your blog list and so far you have got Mimo777 and Straw000 on your blogroll. Are you on anybody's blogroll?

    P.S. Sorry for posting so many times!

  11. Ok i called in a favor for you it might work out or it might not. I asked Amandadlny (a friend from CP and CPG) to check out your blog and maybe add it to her blogroll. She has a site that has been going quite well she has some followers who I hope would love your site just as much. She might contact you by commenting on this site. If not you can contact her by commenting on her site which is


    I hope you guys can become friends and add each other to your blogrolls.


  12. You know that being added on people's blogrolls is as important as adding them to yours. Right?



  13. OK GREAT NEWS! Amandadlny added you to her blogroll! Actually she never had one untill I mentioned it to her and YOU are now the first person on her blogroll. It would be nice of you to add her to your blogroll. Please thank her by commenting on her site at amandadlny.blogspot.com

    Well I hope that this is just the first step in you becoming more famous.


  14. WOW! Thanks for all your comments and all the help you've given from the start! I have added Amanda Dlnys to my blogroll and sent her a comment. Thanks for everything, is there any way I could repay you?

    Your Waddling Buddy

    P.S. I've realized that Mimo777's blog and mine have the same initials! This will be confusing!

  15. Wow you added her to your blogroll already! Sweet. Okay now in order to become even more famous you will need to contact more people and become their friends and get added on their blogrolls. BEST OF LUCK! Maybe we can arrange something that we three can meet on CP sometime.


  16. You do not need to repay, me I am having so much fun seeing how excited you are becoming famous. As for yours and Mimo's blogs initials you do not need to change yours just call it CPGuy or CPguy for short.


  17. I have already asked Straw000 and I will add more famous blogs. I dont think Mimo777 has a blogroll, I will ask but I doubt he will answer.

    Your Waddling Buddy

  18. I am kind of friends with Seichi and Leggofmyeggo and Confupenuen. If you contact them and tell them Mrpengiewin sent you they may add you to their blogrolls as well if you add them. (Leggofmyeggo and Confupenguen are brothers and have some pretty good sites.


  19. Okay, thanks again!

    Your Waddling Buddy

  20. I just thought of one more thinthat you may want to know. Leggofmyeggo is having a party today at 10:00 PST am and you could go and meet him. It is on Fjord at the iceberg I think.


  21. OMG is that am or pm PST???

    Your Waddling Buddy

  22. I can't find their sites!

    Your Waddling Buddy

  23. Ya Mimo does not answer the questions directed toward him. I thik that Mimo doesn't have a blogroll. But he has blog directory links maybe this is kind of like a blogroll you should check it out.


  24. IT IS AM. Confupenguen's site is clubpenguinisfun.wordpress.com
    Leggofmyeggo's site is clubpenguinfordumies.wordpress.com
    Seichi's is clubpenguinkingdoms.wordpress.com

    I hope this helps.


  25. You should have a party! Post the time on your site and give people a few days notice. Make lots of comments on like MIMO's site and others sayign you will party. Then people will get to know you better.


  26. WOOO!!! That was an awesome party! I am gonna have a 700th birthday party soon and will post it. I will post the party pics tomorrow becuse it takes a while to process all the pics!

    Yours Waddling

    P.S. I can't belive I met Leggoofmyeggo and Confupenguen, I have always wanted to meet them! I am now friends with 13 famous penguins and have met another three! Thanks again for telling me about the party!

  27. Ya the party was fun! Do I count as one of those 13 famous penguins? Anyway I hope that you can contact Confupenguen and Leggofmyeggo and get added to their blogrolls! GOOD LUCK.
    Can't wait for your B-DAY party.


  28. Yea, I have left them comments but so far nothing. Yea, it'll be my first party!

    Your Waddling Buddy

  29. Ok I saw that you added Seichi, Confupenguen and Leggofmyeggo to your blogroll.
    I posted a comment on Stickers303's site asking him if he would please add you to his blogroll. He is my buddy so I hope that he will because he is a good person and has a site that has as many hits as Confupenguen's and Leggofmyeggo's.
    I think that you should add his site to your blogroll and then contact him asking him politely to add you to his blogroll. GOOD LUCK!


  30. Lol, I can't find Stickers303's site!!!

    Your Waddling Buddy

  31. Stickers303's CP cheat site is


    I hope that you and him can meet, become buddies, and ultimately that he will add you to his blogroll.


  32. Hey okay I read your comments to Confupenguen and Leggofmyeggo and I think that you should tell them a little bit more about yourself and why you want to become famous and that you are awesome and stuff. I think this might help.


    P.S. I only voted on your poll once so right now you have 3 votes that means that 2 other people saw your site and they think it is awesome.

  33. Oh man I am asking a whole bunch of people to add you to their blogrolls. I just asked CPG MOD Chelseabawb to add you. You should post comments on all of these people's sites so they get to know you better.


  34. Woah! Chelseabawb seems like quite a nice person. I have sent her a comment and will add her to my Blogroll this very second

    Your Waddling Buddy

  35. Yes Chelseabawb is a good friend of mine though I haven't seen her lately on CP i will try to find her sometime on there.


  36. I see that you added stickers303's site to your blogroll. Did he add yours?


  37. No, he hasn't yet.

    Your Waddling Buddy

  38. Oh well. I am noticing that you now have 6 poll entries. Only one of them was mine so 5 other people have come to your site and think that it is cool. That is a great start!


  39. Yea, I am very pleased and suprised at how quick and effective blogrolls are! My brand new counter is telling me that four people are currently viewing my site!

    Your Waddling Buddy

  40. Yah well 2 of them might be me I have 2 computers on your site right now cuz it is soo awesome.


  41. You should contact Saavy. She is a CPG MOD with her own site and she is also my buddy.
    Her site is


    If you tell her that you know me and that I am your buddy then she will be more likely to help you out and add you to her blogroll.


  42. Congratulations! Cearch from The Club Penguin Zone at clubpzone.blogspot.com added you to her blogroll!

    This is very exciting as you are now on at least 2 blogrolls. I will continue to help you out friend.


  43. You should also check out Watex/Fever's site. He was very famous until his site was shut down. He then had to start from scratch I bet he might add you to his blogroll.
    His site is


    I hope this one works out.


    P.S. Congrats again for being on Cearch's blogroll!

  44. HEY OMG! CONFUPENGUEN ADDED YOU TO HIS BLOGROLL! This is awesome for you. He has over 4400 hits and counting! That is quite a few people so you know. Now even more people should come to your awesome site. The only bad thing is that Confupenguen has a lot of other people on his blogroll. Oh well I am still very excited about this particular addition.


  45. So far that makes 3 blogrolls that you are on. Not bad for one days work, huh? This totally rocks yo!


  46. Don't forget to thank Cearch and Confupenguen for them adding you to their blogrolls. It was very nice of them and they did not have to do it.

    I have a question for you- When you woke up this morning did you ever think that you would be added to 3 blogrolls and create your own with like 8 sites on it and have people know who you are all in 1 day? This is pretty awesome.


  47. I think that you should check out icery977's site it looks promising. His site is



  48. Okay i think taht I found another promising site for you to try and get on the blogroll. The site is


    The penguin is Kitty cat04. She has some strict rules as to how to get on her blogroll. there are 2 ways to do this
    1.)have at least 500 hits on your blog and have her on your blogroll
    2.)Have a Club Penguin Ice banner on your site (A banner is something that many of the CP cheat sites have. People make them and other people post them on their sites.) To get her banner on your site you can go to the bottom of her home page and there are instructions on how to put the banner on your site.

    After you have completed one of the above ways to be added to her blogroll you must E-mail her at kittycat04cp@gmail.com and tell her that she can add you to her blogroll.

    I know that this is a lot of work but I think she has a cool site that would be worth getting on her blogroll.

    I also think that you should make your own banner. At the bottom of her page, there is a site to go to where you can make your own banner. I think that a banner would be cool.


    P.S. Sorry abou the long post.

  49. Wow thats a lot of people! I think I will start with Fever/Watex because they might want publicity. I will take a look at all of these blogs and think about it.

    Your Waddling Buddy

    P.S. I don't know where to put the code for a hits counter, can you help?

  50. Uhh, I don't know where to put the banner on my page! I put it as text but it wont show up!

    Your Waddling Buddy

  51. I think that the banner goes on the sidebar and so does a hits counter.



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