
Hello and welcome to Club Penguin Guy with me, Daprankstar! Here you can find all the help, cheats, glitches, hints, secrets and answers to help you have an even AWESOMER time in probably the best online game ever, CLUB PENGUIN! I hope you enjoy this regularly updated blog and all the AWESOMENESS that comes with it! Enjoy and Enter!

Yours Waddling

Friday 23 January 2009

Fiesta Party!!!

WOW! The Fiesta party is awesome!!! It really put me in the mood for some fiesta fun!

Here is the free item, the mini sombrero!

You can find it at the cove...
Very few places have been decorated, but the ones that have are brilliant!

And there are still memories of the dance party aroundPhew!

Yours Waddling


  1. Cool! Good post Daprankstar!
    I'm kinda bummed about the whole one free item thing but I'll get over it. This item is just sooo small. Ya know?


  2. Thanks!
    Yea, me too, I wish they had diferent coloured maracas because I missed them last time! I absolutely agree on that one, when I first saw it of another penguin, I couldn't make out what it was!

    Your Waddling Buddy

    P.s. Your party is at 10:00am PST right?

  3. Yes the party is on server FREEZER at the cove Saturday January 24th at 10:00 AM PST. An I too could not even tell what other people were wearing when I first saw the mini sombrero.


  4. Hey Daprankstar, thanks so much for showing up and partying with me! It was sooo much fun and I was glad that you showed up! It was fun huh. Did you get any good pics? If so would you mind posting them so that I can see how awesome this party was?


  5. Your welcome! I was an AWESOME party!!!! Sorry I had to leave early, did I miss much? Yea I am gonna post them now...

    Your Waddling Buddy

    P.S I am thinking of having a birthday party too, I havent had one in a while!

  6. Sounds good I hope that I can come to your B-DAY party. THANKS FOR POSTING THE PICS! You din't miss much I left at like 10:30 so then everyone left but I secretly logged back on and had a little party with those who were left. It was fun.


  7. Ok, they have just been posted!

    Your Waddling Buddy


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