
Hello and welcome to Club Penguin Guy with me, Daprankstar! Here you can find all the help, cheats, glitches, hints, secrets and answers to help you have an even AWESOMER time in probably the best online game ever, CLUB PENGUIN! I hope you enjoy this regularly updated blog and all the AWESOMENESS that comes with it! Enjoy and Enter!

Yours Waddling

Friday 8 May 2009

Secret Tour #2: Special Medieval Party Edtion!

Hello! And welcome to a special Meddieval Party Edition of the Secret Tour! Today I will be showing you secret stuff that happens when you click or mouse over that most people miss and don't get to enjoy! So here we go:

All Around CP: Mouse over the harps to hear them play!
Market: Click the sign with the picture of the red puffle on it and a black puffle will come up and perform with fire!
Snow Forts: Attack the enemy forts by mousing over either the Trebechet, the Onger or the Crossbow and firing a snowball!
Pet Shop: Hungry? Pop down to your local pet shop and mouse over the largest box of Puffle O's!
All Over CP: If you throw a snowball at a target it vibrates! I found myself directing a penguin to the Cove instead lol!!
Mine: Play around with the Siwtch Box 3000 at the bottom and animate the Dragon!
Boiler Room: Mouse over the Bellows to start pumpin'!
Ski Hill: This has gotta be the best! Mouse over the magic mirror and have your questions answered!
Ski Lodge: Click the butterfly on the flower by the door and watch the butterfly flutterby!
Ski Lodge: Click the tea pot to pour some lovely tea!
Lodge Attic: Click the pot of fish food to feed the fish, watch as they swim over!

Lighthouse: Mouse over the Wizard's hat on the table and make it dance!
Beacon: After a long, hard day of giving tours, it's nice to sit back and relax in front of a large fire. Build up the fire by clicking on the pile of logs, wait for it to go out, then start all over again!This post was really fun to make! Well, I hope you liked it! Comment if I have missed anything good out :)

Yours Waddling


  1. ALRIGHT SO MANY NEW POSTS OVER LAST 2 days!!! AHHHHHHH!!! ha ha I like this post it rocks...


  2. awesome. I don't even have to go on Club Penguin!

  3. Mrpengiewin,
    And still not done! Wow I love posting!
    Thanks, I kinda treasure it aswell lol!

    Your Waddling Buddy

  4. Athletico96,
    Lol kewl! I'll take that as a compliment lol!

    Your Waddling Buddy


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