
Hello and welcome to Club Penguin Guy with me, Daprankstar! Here you can find all the help, cheats, glitches, hints, secrets and answers to help you have an even AWESOMER time in probably the best online game ever, CLUB PENGUIN! I hope you enjoy this regularly updated blog and all the AWESOMENESS that comes with it! Enjoy and Enter!

Yours Waddling

Tuesday 26 May 2009

Carl The Hamster's Secret Site

Okay, most of you know about Club Penguin Gang right? Well, if you don't then it's an AWESOME Club Penguin cheat site run by Mimo777 and his family, click here to go there. Mimo777 also has a Secret Site which he uses to post about what he does in real life! Well it's not really secret anymore, click here to go to Mimo's Secret Site. Mimo's Hamster named Carl has his own secret site which is very secret, so I decided to give a hint!! Here it is: ... --- -- .. -- . .-. --- ..-. . -... .-.-.- .- ... .. . - .. -.-. - . .-. -.-. . -.-. ... .-.. .-. .- -.-.
If you crack it then you will be able to find Carl the Hamster's secret site!!
Good Luck!!

Yours Waddling


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. prankys gone cranky lol jk.well pranky luv your site its coolio jus like you


  3. i came 52nd in your quiz pranky and i like the daprankstar offline thingy aswell. you hav coolio ideas


  4. you know the famous penguin other thingy i took a pic of it and edited it and put my name at the bottom lol but i mite post it on my site
    laterz pranky


  5. Flab147,
    Hey dude, thanks for commenting kewl site!! What do you mean famous penguin thingy???

    Anyway, thanks!!

    Yours Waddling

  6. Thanks for the clue! I found the site! :D

  7. i cant under stand your hint to carl the hamsters
    secret site it went like this somimerofeb i cant finsh the rest

  8. tp2009,
    Ahhh! You haven't translated all of it!! I will give you a hint, there is a hidden link in the text that takes you to carl the hamster's secret site!!

    Yours Waddling

  9. lol i cant read that awsome site!


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