
Hello and welcome to Club Penguin Guy with me, Daprankstar! Here you can find all the help, cheats, glitches, hints, secrets and answers to help you have an even AWESOMER time in probably the best online game ever, CLUB PENGUIN! I hope you enjoy this regularly updated blog and all the AWESOMENESS that comes with it! Enjoy and Enter!

Yours Waddling

Sunday 21 February 2010

Orange Puffle Plush Toy!

Club Penugin have finially released a single photo of the Series 4 Orange Puffle Plush Toy that is coming out soon! Here it is, the Orange Puffle!

Pretty Kewl! CP are also saying that there will be some other toys coming out with it, including limited edition penguins and Mix 'N Match figures! They will be coming to places such as Toys 'R' Us, Target, Disney Stores and the Club Penguin Online Shop!

Yours Waddling


  1. I am having a party today at 1.30pm uk i am not sure wat time it is in usa i am going to be on klondike an my iggy will be on map.Hope to met u ther.

  2. magno20,
    Ahh sorry! I was out then! And yea I live in England but If you want to meet me on Club Penguin, check the updates side thingy under the penguin of the week!

    Yours Waddling


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