
Hello and welcome to Club Penguin Guy with me, Daprankstar! Here you can find all the help, cheats, glitches, hints, secrets and answers to help you have an even AWESOMER time in probably the best online game ever, CLUB PENGUIN! I hope you enjoy this regularly updated blog and all the AWESOMENESS that comes with it! Enjoy and Enter!

Yours Waddling

Thursday 28 May 2009

Club Penguin Times Issue #189

Well, I would have had this up much sooner, but I got up too early and had to go back to bed but oh well, here is the new newspaper!

Rockhopper's Here and there's some Ninja News!!
This week, Club Penguin Times caught up with Rockhopper to ask him a few questions! Here's the Interview:

CPT: Rockhopper, what's hapening here?
RH: Ahoy, matey! I brought greenery but it's been growin'!
CPT: You brought some plants?
RH: Ye be a quick-thinking penguin! Aye, they be beauties, but they're gettin' big!
CPT: It looks liks you could use some help.
RH: Arr. 'Tis true. I'd be wishin' for me penguin friends to take some of these off me ship!
CPT: Why this sudden interest in plants, Rockhopper?
*Hold your mouse over the button that says "interview cont..." to see the rest on Club Penguin, scroll down to see the rest on this post*

RH: Avast! They remind me of home. But they be growin' too fast and 'tis hard to dance a jig on deck!
CPT: Will you be waddling about the island during your visit?
RH: Aye, I be lookin' forward to partying with me buddies and finding new crewmates. Now where be me puffle? Yarr? Yarr?
CPT: Er... So head to the Migrator to lend a flipper. And remember to say "Arr!" if you see the Captain.

Oh and by the way, Rockhopper will be in Club Penguin 'till Sunday (May 31st) so hurry down to the Migrator and buy some plants before he leaves!

Sensei has announced in the Newspaper about the Card-Jitsu updates! We will be able to see our decks anywhere in any Ninja room (Dojo, Dojo Courtyard and Ninja Hideout) and be able to see a progress bar that will tell us how close we are to our next belt! Also, Sensei says at the end:

Ninjas are needed.
"Bring friends to train at Dojo.
There is more to come."

I hope he means that either the White Puffle can finially be used in Card-Jitsu or the Puffle Training Room (as seen in Club Penguin Elite Penguin Force for the Nintendo DS) opens!!

Sensei has also announced the Dojo Igloo Contetst in the newspaper! Turns out there will acctually be 10 winners of 25,000 coins and 10 runner-ups that will get 15,000 coins! I ask myself, do I need this money? Well, I still have 876,727 coins so do I need it?

I don't usually post the Puzzles but this one is AWESOME!! It's a Dot-to-Dot and I love doing dot-to-dots!! Just join all the dots in the right order to reveal a picture, starting with number one:

That was quite difficult to guess but it's a kewl picture of a surfer! I think it has something to do with the Adventure themed Snow and Sports Catalog coming out tomorrow (Friday 29th May)!!!

Wow, suddenly there's quite a lot happening!

Upcoming Events:

May 29th - New Songs for Igloos and new Snow and Sports Catlaog!

May 31st - Rockhopper leaves :(

June 5th - New Pin and Penguin Style Catalog!

June 12th - ADVENTURE PARTY!!!

WOO HOO!! Mimo posted a sneak peek of the Adventure Party on his AWESOME blog but now it has officially been announced!!

In other news, Daprankstar is 800 days old today, Happy Birthday!!
I have also created another Club Penguin blog, but this one is slightly different! I will reveal more once construction has finished!

Yours Waddling


  1. Awesome Daprankstar but I need some people to come to my blog too so plz tell people to go to your blog and my blog. Me and swimy are making it awesome!! It is http://www.videogamegang.com/
    PLZ go there we need people!!!!


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