
Hello and welcome to Club Penguin Guy with me, Daprankstar! Here you can find all the help, cheats, glitches, hints, secrets and answers to help you have an even AWESOMER time in probably the best online game ever, CLUB PENGUIN! I hope you enjoy this regularly updated blog and all the AWESOMENESS that comes with it! Enjoy and Enter!

Yours Waddling

Thursday 30 April 2009

Hint: Aqua Grabber

Here are two Hints from today's newspaper:
1. Grab Speed!
When playing Aqua Grabber, use your claw to push yourself up! Using the Up arrow at the same time will give you great speeds!! And if you're clever you can grab an item at the same time!!

2. Mullet Fish
Stuck on getting past the Mullet and getting the rare treasure in the Soda Seas level of Aqua Grabber? Heres how:
  1. Once you have taken 3 barrels of Soda up to the net you can go past the yellow pipe thingys on the far left
  2. Go through and get the barrel
  3. Take it up to the net
  4. Come back and hit the roof of the little cave in the corner really hard, a worm will fall out
  5. Wait for it to wriggle along the ground and then grab it
  6. Go out of the cave
  7. When a yellow fish swims past you, hook it with the worm by putting it in front of it's mouth
  8. Being careful not to hit the sides, take the fish to the bottom right past the yellow pipe thingys
  9. Go up until you see the Mullet
  10. When the Mullet swims in your direction, position the fish in front of it's mouth
  11. When you have got it quickly go down and release it!!
  12. Then you can go past the bit it was blocking!
  13. If you go down you will see a big pile of gold!
  14. DONT grab the gold!!
  15. A crab will come and take the gold away peice by peice, wait above its little cave thingymajig
  16. When it has taken all the gold it will see you and then hold out a gem!
  17. Take it, it's the rare treasure!!

Hope that helped!

Yours Waddling

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